Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life!


In the book Mindset, author Dr. Carol Dweck comes to a startling conclusion. After watching children tackle and persevere through difficult tasks, Dr.Dweck realizes that these children are onto something that eludes us as adults. Intellect can be refined and developed through effort. These children performing the difficult tasks believed that their

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life! 2017-11-03T21:13:18+00:00

Preparing for a Successful School Year


So I bet you’ve done a million runs to Target, Office Depot and many other stores to get all of your child’s school supplies. And that is along side the myriad additional runs you make, to ensure s/he has clothes, shoes and everything else needed for a successful year in school. It’s exhausting just

Preparing for a Successful School Year 2019-08-19T19:19:30+00:00

Tips to Help Your Child Stay Organized in School


Many kids find staying organized difficult, and this is particularly a challenge in school. In middle school when classes become departmentalized and your child suddenly has eight to ten classes, the challenge becomes even greater. Some kids are naturally organized and are able to navigate the many demands of school

Tips to Help Your Child Stay Organized in School 2017-11-03T21:16:28+00:00

The Unblog Post – Commitment to Family


Reaffirming my commitment to my family, I didn’t publish a blog post that I had spent hours writing. Recently a family member went through a difficult patch because of a health issue. I am being extremely vague, because of my commitment to my family. This is a very brief explanation

The Unblog Post – Commitment to Family 2017-08-16T05:53:54+00:00

Why Aren’t My Kids Listening to Me?


Why aren’t my kids listening? It’s a question that I get all the time. A parent asks a child to do something, come (for dinner, a bath, or homework) and the child continues playing. S/he doesn't even acknowledge the request, as if the request was water sliding off a duck’s back. Why

Why Aren’t My Kids Listening to Me? 2019-07-08T16:13:52+00:00