How To Unlock Mom happiness With This One Tip


So if you need a boost to your Mom happiness, you've come to the right place. Parenting is all-inclusive, never-ending and demands 150 percent of you. And there are really no breaks, ever. So I wanted to share a story that I heard on the radio that is a real game changer. Not

How To Unlock Mom happiness With This One Tip 2019-05-27T14:58:04+00:00

How to Stop Yelling by Using Consequences


Have you inadvertently taught your child that there are no consequences for the choices s/he makes? Do you have a hard time getting your kids to listen? Are you finding yourself having to tell them your kids to do something over and over again? Change the Pattern If your directions

How to Stop Yelling by Using Consequences 2018-06-12T05:07:54+00:00

How to Reclaim Your Power Like My Student Did


Your power, your essence, the hidden potential that lies within each and every one of us is breathtakingly magnificent. Yet when we are overwhelmed, unsure of the direction that we should take or just plain exhausted, it is difficult to believe in that power. And under these circumstances, it's tempting

How to Reclaim Your Power Like My Student Did 2019-08-18T16:17:25+00:00

How to be a Remarkable Parent Who Never Says Please


Wait a minute. Before jumping down my back, as a parent I believe in speaking respectfully to children, as I'm sure you do. However, let's take a step back and look at why a remarkable parent shouldn't say please. Picture the following scenario: It's late; it's 5:30, the kids haven't

How to be a Remarkable Parent Who Never Says Please 2019-05-13T04:56:41+00:00

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life!


In the book Mindset, author Dr. Carol Dweck comes to a startling conclusion. After watching children tackle and persevere through difficult tasks, Dr.Dweck realizes that these children are onto something that eludes us as adults. Intellect can be refined and developed through effort. These children performing the difficult tasks believed that their

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life! 2017-11-03T21:13:18+00:00

Preparing for a Successful School Year


So I bet you’ve done a million runs to Target, Office Depot and many other stores to get all of your child’s school supplies. And that is along side the myriad additional runs you make, to ensure s/he has clothes, shoes and everything else needed for a successful year in school. It’s exhausting just

Preparing for a Successful School Year 2019-08-19T19:19:30+00:00
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