Easy Meals to get on Your Table


Every family is different and has different needs at mealtime. Recently I wrote about the benefits of having a 14 day meal plan here. Today I'm going to list some of the meals that were hits with my family and I hope they can give you some ideas that you

Easy Meals to get on Your Table 2017-05-14T21:20:31+00:00

The 14 Day Life Saving Meal Plan


When my kids were all little, and keeping everyone happy and fed was a challenge, I read a story about Eleanor Roosevelt that forever changed my outlook about meal preparation.  I would no longer have those days when 3 o’clock would roll around, and I would start to get the

The 14 Day Life Saving Meal Plan 2017-04-28T04:12:20+00:00

Budget Serenity


When I first approached budgeting, I did so with fear and trepidation. I felt that never again would I have the joy of walking into a store, seeing something I loved and making that special purchase.  But somehow, I got over my fears and proceeded with my mission. The extra

Budget Serenity 2017-04-24T03:41:54+00:00

Can’t stand the Clutter!


When my kids were small, whenever it got hard to do a daily run through and organize my house, I knew that something was wrong. If it was too hard to do my daily clean up, it was time to start getting rid of stuff. As soon as I went

Can’t stand the Clutter! 2017-03-26T04:59:18+00:00

Taming the Organization Dragon!


Does your child forget his/her homework on the dining room table when s/he runs off to school? Does s/he remember an unfinished assignment as she climbs into bed? Is s/he always struggling with organization and executive functioning no matter how many times you help him/her to get organized? We all have moments

Taming the Organization Dragon! 2017-08-16T18:04:34+00:00
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