Parents Have the Most Powerful Influence on their Children


Don't underestimate the powerful influence that parents have on their children. And your influence is tenfold when you take the time to plan out strategies to meet your parenting goals. Many parents feel helpless because of influences that come into our homes and the powerful influence of the world at

Parents Have the Most Powerful Influence on their Children 2025-03-25T05:10:33+00:00

How to Set a Stunning 2019 Parenting Goal Before You Forget!


Have you been thinking about how to achieve a stunning parenting goal in 2019? Many of us start out the new year with the most wonderful intentions and yet find ourselves falling a bit short when it comes to parenting. Parenting is one of those things that requires so much physical

How to Set a Stunning 2019 Parenting Goal Before You Forget! 2025-03-25T05:10:34+00:00

How to Positively Influence Your Children With Values


In a complicated and difficult world, parents are concerned about the values that their kids are picking up from the world at large. Our kids are attached to devices and we often don't know what they are being exposed to. And parents are worried that their kids are being exposed

How to Positively Influence Your Children With Values 2025-03-25T05:10:34+00:00

Had Enough Shouting? Here’s How to Take Control and Enjoy Your Kids


No Mom wants to be a shouting lunatic, frustrated and angry at the kids that she loves. We want to create a warm, loving, harmonious home. How do we overcome our emotions when we are tired and frustrated and our kids are not cooperating?   Well here are some sure-fire tips

Had Enough Shouting? Here’s How to Take Control and Enjoy Your Kids 2018-10-29T12:04:31+00:00

How to Benefit your Children with the Gift of Patience


If there is one trait that Mom's struggle with, it is the trait of patience. I mean, how patient do we feel after we've just mopped the floor for the fourth time in a day because of the various mishaps of our children? We love our children to pieces and are

How to Benefit your Children with the Gift of Patience 2018-10-22T12:28:57+00:00

Thanksgiving is the Greatest Opportunity to Teach Kids Gratitude


In a society that is consumer driven, it is hard to teach our kids gratitude and not have them feel entitled. The more they have the more they want. Consumerism drives us to feel like we never have enough rather than feeling gratitude for the blessings that we have. It

Thanksgiving is the Greatest Opportunity to Teach Kids Gratitude 2018-10-15T12:29:00+00:00
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