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Welcome to Every Kid Insights!

Parenting is one of the most rewarding but also one of the most difficult tasks that we will ever undertake. Yet, there is no greater contribution to the world than being a great parent. How can we be the best parent and rise to the challenge? Help is on the way! Every Kid insights and our parenting community was founded to make your journey easier and to clarify the sometimes confusing and contradictory information that we hear about parenting.

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Budget Serenity

When I first approached budgeting, I did so with fear and trepidation. I felt that never again would I have the joy of walking into a store, seeing

Mending the Money Rift

“Money makes the world go round” the famous saying goes. It is also one of the top ten reasons for divorce in America today. But we have to

Growing Pains

I once met a friend with my two young kids in tow, who had not seen me since I had kids, and after several moments of conversation she

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