Who Says That Natural Consequences Are Not Positive Parenting?


Who says that natural consequences are not a part of positive parenting? As parents, our main goal is to prepare children for life. If we don't allow them to experience natural consequences we cripple them when they go out into the world. Shielding children from the consequences of their actions

Who Says That Natural Consequences Are Not Positive Parenting? 2025-03-25T05:10:33+00:00

Parents Have the Most Powerful Influence on their Children


Don't underestimate the powerful influence that parents have on their children. And your influence is tenfold when you take the time to plan out strategies to meet your parenting goals. Many parents feel helpless because of influences that come into our homes and the powerful influence of the world at

Parents Have the Most Powerful Influence on their Children 2025-03-25T05:10:33+00:00

Celebrate Mother’s Day Every Day of the Year!


Moms love Mother's Day and with good reason! When else are we pampered with flowers, appreciation and even breakfast in bed? It’s a great feeling to have our family members take the time and recognize what we do for them every day. However as Mother's day draws to a close

Celebrate Mother’s Day Every Day of the Year! 2018-05-14T12:44:17+00:00

The Powerful Skill that Will Immediately Create your Dream Family


Who would have thought that developing a unique skill was part of the parenting puzzle?  As little girls, didn't we dream what it would be like having our own home and raising our own family? Every child has different dreams, but I'm sure most of us dreamed that we would

The Powerful Skill that Will Immediately Create your Dream Family 2019-08-05T17:32:28+00:00

How to be a Remarkable Parent Who Never Says Please


Wait a minute. Before jumping down my back, as a parent I believe in speaking respectfully to children, as I'm sure you do. However, let's take a step back and look at why a remarkable parent shouldn't say please. Picture the following scenario: It's late; it's 5:30, the kids haven't

How to be a Remarkable Parent Who Never Says Please 2019-05-13T04:56:41+00:00

Why Aren’t My Kids Listening to Me?


Why aren’t my kids listening? It’s a question that I get all the time. A parent asks a child to do something, come (for dinner, a bath, or homework) and the child continues playing. S/he doesn't even acknowledge the request, as if the request was water sliding off a duck’s back. Why

Why Aren’t My Kids Listening to Me? 2019-07-08T16:13:52+00:00