The Unblog Post – Commitment to Family


Reaffirming my commitment to my family, I didn’t publish a blog post that I had spent hours writing. Recently a family member went through a difficult patch because of a health issue. I am being extremely vague, because of my commitment to my family. This is a very brief explanation

The Unblog Post – Commitment to Family 2017-08-16T05:53:54+00:00

Relationships Are Better Without 20/20 Vision


Vision is one of our greatest blessings. It is the wonderful gift that allows us to experience the beautiful world that we live in. I have always striven for 20/20 vision even though at certain points in my life I have needed some help with glasses. However in relationships, 20/20

Relationships Are Better Without 20/20 Vision 2017-05-01T02:43:31+00:00

Mending the Money Rift


“Money makes the world go round” the famous saying goes. It is also one of the top ten reasons for divorce in America today. But we have to have money, right? Of course, but our attitudes make a huge difference. In the 1970’s people were exposed to approximately 500 advertisements

Mending the Money Rift 2017-09-24T18:45:09+00:00

Alone Together (Finding Time For your Relationship)


Are you and your husband feeling like you never get to spend time alone anymore? You're constantly caring for the kids and by the end of the day after cleaning up, the only recreation that you can think about is climbing into bed? You’re not alone. But finding time to

Alone Together (Finding Time For your Relationship) 2017-08-11T16:16:08+00:00

Your Relationship Really Matters


Parenting is a wonderful chapter in the life of a couple.  One of the most fascinating and wondrous things about being a parent is sharing the milestones that your child achieves.  Witnessing your newborn navigating the challenges of growth as baby, toddler and child can leave you hysterical and in awe.  Watching  your child’s

Your Relationship Really Matters 2017-08-11T17:07:10+00:00