The Most Important Rule You Need to Make in Your Home


There is only one rule you need to make in your home. Only one. However, it is not an easy one to implement. It demands quite a bit of restraint and character building. And it means that parents commit to it 100 percent. However, if you do commit you will

The Most Important Rule You Need to Make in Your Home 2019-04-09T03:44:48+00:00

Why Aren’t My Kids Listening to Me?


Why aren’t my kids listening? It’s a question that I get all the time. A parent asks a child to do something, come (for dinner, a bath, or homework) and the child continues playing. S/he doesn't even acknowledge the request, as if the request was water sliding off a duck’s back. Why

Why Aren’t My Kids Listening to Me? 2019-07-08T16:13:52+00:00