How to Proceed When Your Children Stop Doing Their Homework


Don’t we just love to jump to conclusions when we find out our children aren't doing their homework? Don’t we surmise that our once precious child has become lazy, irresponsible, and  just a plain old good for nothing?   Whoa, let’s take a step back for a minute and survey the

How to Proceed When Your Children Stop Doing Their Homework 2018-11-19T13:06:39+00:00

Taming the Organization Dragon!


Does your child forget his/her homework on the dining room table when s/he runs off to school? Does s/he remember an unfinished assignment as she climbs into bed? Is s/he always struggling with organization and executive functioning no matter how many times you help him/her to get organized? We all have moments

Taming the Organization Dragon! 2017-08-16T18:04:34+00:00