The Unblog Post – Commitment to Family


Reaffirming my commitment to my family, I didn’t publish a blog post that I had spent hours writing. Recently a family member went through a difficult patch because of a health issue. I am being extremely vague, because of my commitment to my family. This is a very brief explanation

The Unblog Post – Commitment to Family 2017-08-16T05:53:54+00:00

Seven Proven Ways to Help Moms De-stress


It’s not that you don’t love being a Mom. But the constant demands, one meal after the next, the piles of wash, keeping everyone and the house clean (and often working as well), can eventually lead to stress. This can bring even the most positive Mom into the doldrums. So what’s a

Seven Proven Ways to Help Moms De-stress 2017-08-10T05:13:07+00:00

The Most Precious Gift We Can Give


When I was a kid I saw the fancy ads for shiny, expensive toys; the play kitchens, the doll houses, the larger than life toys that all the kids wanted. But I never got them, not one of them. In fact, I had to give my parents all the money

The Most Precious Gift We Can Give 2017-06-21T13:16:05+00:00

Learning to Cope with Disappointment


Naturally a parent wants to shield his/her child from disappointment in life. So how do you give the right amount of discipline and love to ensure your child is healthy and balanced? Not an easy equation. Have you ever seen a 10 year old having a two-year old tantrum? Not a

Learning to Cope with Disappointment 2017-08-14T19:17:18+00:00

You Can‘t Have It Both Ways


Ok so I promised myself that this site will never become political, and I will do my best to keep it that way. However, I read something in the news that I think can teach all of us an important parenting lesson. That lesson is (drum roll) that in life,

You Can‘t Have It Both Ways 2017-04-21T23:21:50+00:00

How Every Kid Insights Came to Be


Parenting is the hardest but most rewarding job any of us will ever have. But good parenting is not easy to come by and we see the results of bad parenting every day in the news. And even for those of us who had great role models growing up; when

How Every Kid Insights Came to Be 2017-03-22T02:25:36+00:00
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