How To Unlock Mom happiness With This One Tip

So if you need a boost to your Mom happiness, you’ve come to the right place. Parenting is all-inclusive, never-ending and demands 150 percent of you. And there are really no breaks, ever.

So I wanted to share a story that I heard on the radio that is a real game changer. Not only when it comes to parenting but in all aspects of our lives.

A woman was interviewed that is the mother of seven children. Two weeks before the interview her husband was on his fourth tour in Afghanistan. He was unfortunately killed while on active duty.

The interviewer asked her how she feels this Thanksgiving.

This was her astounding answer. This special mom said that she is very grateful for all of the blessings in her life. She is very proud that her family merited a husband and father who served his country. Even if her children might not understand this idea now when in pain, she believed that eventually, her children would be proud,

Here was a woman without her dear husband, that would have to raise and support seven children alone, and her view was gratitude for all of the blessings in her life! What a spiritual giant!


Finding Mom Happiness

After I heard the interview, I couldn’t stop thinking about this woman and her ability to rise above her challenges and to continue to feel Mom happiness and blessings in the most trying of situations. This comes down to a life philosophy and also a life mission. The gift of life is so precious and this noble woman was able to feel and connect to that even in her most difficult hour.

She recognized the merit of having her children and being able to raise them and that carried her through the pain and loss of her husband. Surely she recognized the difficulties that she would face as a single mother raising a large family alone. However, she chose to focus on the blessings of still having her children and being able to raise them. She chose to focus on the blessing of Mom happiness in her life.

Putting Things in Perspective

This is truly a life teaching for all moms. In the little daily annoyances that we experience; a sleepless night, a nagging child, constantly being on for our kids, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and even disillusioned.

But in order to thrive and find Mom happiness, it is important to keep this woman’s message in mind at all times. To rise above temporary feelings of exhaustion, frustration and overwhelm and to remember that it is a privilege to be a mom to our kids.

You may be thinking, “Well that Mom is an exceptional person but I am a normal person and I do find the constant grind difficult. I find mom happiness difficult to achieve.”

Ok, I hear ya and I hope that these tips will help you to find true Mom happiness:

Look at the Bigger Picture and the Long Term

When we go about our daily lives it is easy to get caught up in the small difficulties and inconveniences. Don’t! Remember that you are raising the next generations and there are “growing pains” in the process. There are sacrifices that we all make to achieve anything of great value.

We spend at least four years of our life after high school obtaining a degree. This means being up late many nights to finish papers and course work. It means not starting our chosen careers and many other limitations in our daily lives. And yet we do it because in the long run (hopefully) these inconveniences will pay off.

It is the same with children, especially when they are small. However, we are building a family and the next generation that will be a merit and a source of Mom happiness for the rest of our lives.

Recognize that Some Aspects of our Lives Must Inevitably Change

It is often difficult for young moms to transition from a life of much more freedom to bearing the responsibility of caring for small children. And each stage of parenthood has its own challenges. We do have to let go of some expectations and freedoms in order to achieve the amazing feat of raising children.

Our finances may suffer for a certain amount of time. We may not have the time to entertain at the same level that we used to. We may not have the time to participate in other activities that we enjoy. But again, in the long run, all of these sacrifices will be well worth the trouble and we will have gained and achieved so much more.

Instead of saying “Oh I have to give that up” say, “I am placing this on hold for a while so that I can put my full attention to this all-important and amazing task.

Make Time for the Things that Energize You in Small Chunks

Being a mom means very little downtime, but it also means that we have very little time to pursue our personal dreams. However, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to, in small chunks. When my kids were still young, I took many courses. I would get up an hour before they did and work on any reading or papers that I had to do. By the time they got up, I had accomplished my personal goals for the day and could greet my kids happily.

Whatever your aspirations are, you can accomplish them. However, you have to plan carefully and also be willing to accomplish your goals in small chunks. Let’s say you want to paint an accent wall in your bedroom or engage in some other project. As a busy Mom (especially if you work) you may have to break the projects down into 20-30 minute chunks.

One day you might order or buy the supplies. A couple of days later you might do the taping and prep. Another day you can start to paint but it might take another week before you finish the entire job. A project that might have taken one day before you had kids may now take two weeks.

It may be frustrating but in the long run well worth the sacrifice. And as you plan the projects and the goals that you want to accomplish you will see the fruits of your labor.

Moming is hard. It is very demanding. But remember that you have a special merit that not everyone is blessed to carry out. Remember the story of the very special mom above. Remember to look at the big picture and remember that you can accomplish your goals. Practice focusing on all the things that you have to be grateful for and before you know it you will be filled to the brim with mom happiness!

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